It is easier to change maintains and rivers than to alter one’s character

  • change = uncertainty, so people don’t want to change
  • reasons
    • self interest
    • low tolerance
    • misinformation and misunderstanding
    • interpretations of circumstances
  1. self interest
    1. more interested in yourself than about the health of organization
    2. strong if employees aren’t loyal to organization
  2. low tolerance
    1. people like inertia
    2. close-minded peoples
  3. misinformation and misunderstanding
    1. change is not communicated and people get confused and rumours blah blah etc etc
  4. Interpretation of circumstance
    1. people have different views
      1. i.e. workers may think Seniors don’t know what they are doing, and that they have better solutions
      2. this creates conflict and therefore resistance to change

you got to have 2.1 Change management