The Role of finance:

Business spends money on capital or revenue expenditures

Capital expenditure: cost of equipment, fixed assets, doesn’t make you money

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Revenue expenditure: money used to make more money (i.e. finance on running the business)

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Not enough money? Cut on expenditures. Biggest ones to cut: salaries and advertising and promotions

-          See where revenue is coming from (surveys) and decide which ads to cut

Business Management Toolkit: Contribution Analysis

Used as a decision making tool to:

1.       make or buy something

2.       Contribution costing

3.       Absorption costing

-          Another example: contract or hire an employee. Contract doesn’t have the overhead costs (i.e.

A graph of tacos on a black background
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-          Chicken tacos are making you the most money (lowest variable cost per unit production)

Unit contribution = Price (of unit) – AVC (average variable cost). Average variable cost: cost to make taco (transport)

Total Contribution

Total contribution = TFC / unit contribution

Total fixed cost: cost of running business (i.e. rent). Total contribution tells you the minimum number of units to buy to break even

Buy and Make Decision

Cost to buy: price * quantity

Cost to make: fixed cost + (variable costs * quantity)

Qualitative factos in make or buy decisions

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Benefits and Limitations to contribution costing

-          Greater awareness of total cost, better pricing decisions

-          You can analyse the profitability of each product + product line or department


-          Indirect costs not accounted for

-          Direct and indirect costs are subjective in identifying

Absorption Cost

Tells you how much money you need to make for each product

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Break-even quantity: Fixed cost / unit contribution

If it doesn’t make sense to sell 375 vegan tacos, absorption costs can tell you how many more chicken tacos you need to sell to make up for the vegan ones.

Allocation of fixed costs

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Absorption Costing


-          Cost allocation is fair to multi product firms

-          Better price making decisions because you know where the finances are coming from

-          You can measure and analyse the profitability of different product lines


-          Complex and time consuming to calculate

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