4.4 Market Research is important. why do market research? (this is kind of obvious but I want to use Obsidian content links!)

  • market research is done to better understand customers and competitors and the market.
  • difference between different markets can be affected by demographics (age, gender, income level, marital status, family size, religion, location)


  1. gather information about your customers (what they want!)
  2. discover customer purchasing behaviour patterns
  3. estimate how likely a customer is to buy a certain product
  4. gauge customer reaction to price changes (i.e. iPhone X!)
  5. learn about emerging market trends
  6. explain budgetary variances
  7. reduce risk of new product failures
  8. see how effective a firm’s marketing strategies are

AD HOC MARKET RESEARCH: market research for ONE SPECIFIC problem Continuous market research: regular and ongoing

Primary research: gathering new data and info since they don’t exist. Also called field research

  • surveys, interviews, focus groups Secondary research: use existing research from another source. Also called desk research.
  • market analyses, academic journals, government publications, media articles