• operations management is about creating goods and services that people want to purchase.
  • developing, managing, improving the production process
  • combine human, physical, and financial resources what businesses need to do factors of production
  • land
  • labour
  • capital
  • entrepreneurship (skills)

Productivity -< efficiency, how well an organization gets things done.

  • if a company focuses on labour to produce output, it is known as labour-intensive firm
    • artisanal food production, construction and building, haircuts and styling, hand nail care, jewellery, etc.
  • capital intensive: mostly rely on the cost of capital (i.e. energy industry)
    • biotechnology
    • car manufacturing
    • coal mining
    • energy production

Production: process of planning, organizing, controlling resources

  • flow production and capital intensive output require approval from finance department because it’s a lot of money
  • product exclusive: one off products use job production (customized production). lets company sell at a premium price
  • distribution channels
  • R&D expenditure
  • hold production managers accountable for budgets
  • train production operatives
  • crisis management team might be needed to created and trained