5.4 Location has reasons!

location: geographical position of business

  1. cost and availability of land.
    • i.e. higher rent in central business districts
  2. Cost and availability of labour
    • cheaper to operate overseas or in rural areas
  3. proximity to market
    • you want to be located near your customers
    • gains competitive advantage - less transport costs and greater convenience for customers
  4. local infrastructure
    • physical + organizational structures needed for society to function
    • highways, waste, water, wifi
  5. government incentives
    • these cut production costs
  6. clustering
    • i.e. coffee shops in malls
  7. bulk gaining industry
    • bottled water is heavy. Assemble and ship it closer to companies. products weigh more after production. final product is heavier than the raw materials to make it. home furniture
  8. bulk reducing: products that weigh less after production. mining. costs more to transport heavy resources. manufacturing plants near raw material.
  9. cost of living.

INDUSTRIAL INERTIA: too lazy to relocate even though there is less cost somewhere else. this may be done because it would upset the workforce, or they can’t adapt/relocate to a new location.