-          What’s the traditional business model?

-          i.e. linear business models only worry about the costs of using resources to make a product

-          They focus producing, selling, using and throwing away products

-          They aren’t concerned about environmental impacts

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-          i.e. shirt: take cotton from Earth, make t-shirt, it goes to waste


-          The CBM is a tool that encourages businesses to consider the environmental impacts of business activities

-          Reduce, reuse, recycle, and REPAIR

o   i.e. upselling products (recycling old phones)

-          Example: IKEA clearance, used cars, PEEL cases

-          Resource recovery model: recover resources by reprocessing waste into new and usable materials

-          Industrial symbiosis: waste/byproducts of one industrial process is used as a raw material for another industrial process

o   i.e. coconut waste to biofuel

o   chopsticks to table

-          C2C design and manufacturing means products are designed so that when the product is at the end of its lifecycle, the used product can be reused to make a new product

-          Has to be accessible to customers.

-          Closed-loop recycling

-          Product life extension model: make products last longer

o   To reduce waste, compete with low quality and low cost products

-          Sharing model: Airbnb, Uber: share products

o   Benefits: using underused products, reduces demand for raw materials, therefore reduces environmental burdens

-          Product service system model: services that functions like a product without being a physical product

o   Environmentally friendly and efficient

o   Spotify, Google Drive, Michelin tires, Netflix

Traditional business model: focus on profit. CBM: focus on people and the planet

-          Important because consumers are using products for less than their lifespan, and throwing away those products (bad for the environment)