Motivation theories! what makes people work

  1. Taylor
  2. Maslow
  3. Herzberg
  • make people want to work demotivation absenteeism, and staff leaving the organization

Taylor’s scientific management theory of motivation

  • entrepreneurs do not want any initiative from workers but want them to obey the orders they give. Managers and business owners should only seek out obedience
  • people work for money. higher financial reward for harder working and productive employees differentiated piece rate


  • authoritarian, less suitable today
  • not everything is about money
  • qualitative factors that affect employee motivation are ignored

    Maslow's hierarchy of needs

    needs are filled by unfilled physiological desires

    • got to meet one level of needs before the next one is possible
    • lower order needs: at bottom, i.e. social belonging
    • higher order needs: self esteem, meeting these needs make a person feel complete, content, overjoyed
    • Safety needs: make you feel safe. job security, employment, health
    • Social needs: wanting to be accepted by others
    • esteem needs: wanting to feel respected. comes from trust and respect and recognition for your actions yippie
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Herzberg two factor theory

  • in order to create motivation you got to REMOVE dissatisfaction
  • hygiene factors job dissatisfaction.
  • improve hygiene factors prevents dissatisfaction but does not boost morale
  • work environment is hygiene
  • motivators: factors that define job context. motivation is will to work, due to the enjoyment of the work itself