Economies of Scale

-          Make enough products and you can lower the average cost (cost per unit)

o   Fixed cost while getting more profit (fixed cost could be renting a facility)

-          Diseconomies of scale: grow too much and you cannot operate your business efficiently.

o   More employees = miscommunication, misunderstandings, and poor management

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AC = average cost, TC = total cost, Q = quantity produced

Total cost = total fixed cost + total variable cost

Internal Economies of Scale

-          Economies of scale for a particular organization, rather than an industry.

-          Two types: technical or financial

-          Technical: large firms, high fixed cost, high fixed cost of equipment and machinery (stuff like machinery, deals with product)

-          Financial economies: large firms can borrow money at lower rates of interest

-          Lower interest rates = less risky to financiers (so more likely to be invested in)

-          Borrowing large amounst of money reducing the cost of borrowing finances (interest rates!)

-          Managerial

o   Dividing managerial role

o   Fall in average cost, since more productivity

o   Sole traders can’t do this

-          Specialization economies

o   Division of labour in the workforce

o   i.e. training some people to do one job only

o   they can do it better, increases productivity, reduces cost

-          Marketing economies

o   Large firms benefit from selling in bulk

o   High advertising costs can be reduced by using the same strategy globally (for international firms)

-          Purchasing economies

o   Large firms buy supplies in bulk

o   They get the biggest discounts when buying in bulk (since they are large orders)

-          Risk bearing economies

o   Conglomerates can spread fixed costs across a wide range of business operations (review!)

Internal diseconomies of scale

-          Lack of contral and coordination (i.e. messy business management)

-          Poor working relations

-          Outsourcing (less vertical integration)

-          Bureaucracy (dealing with magamente)

-          Complacency

External economies of scale

-          Technological progress

o   Tech progress can offer savings

-          Improved transportation networks

o   Better transportation = less cost transporting goods

o   Also improved logistacl network (i.e. pipelines), more efficient delivery therefore lower costs

-          Abundance of skilled labour

o   If there’s lots of educating and trained labour, it can reduce cost of recruitment and training (because there are less people you need to train; you can just hire them)

-          Regional specialization

o   Some places have a repuation for specific goods and products

o   Because of this reputability, companies can charge a premium price

External diseconomies of scale

-          Higher rents (i.e. needing to move to a larger building, empty office spaces during COVID)

-          Local market conditions for pay and financial rewards.

o   i.e. employees expect higher pay in Toronto because of larger cost of living

-          Traffic congestion (takes longer + more fuel to transfer goods)

o   Employees don’t want to drive into the city

-          Context specific problems

Internal vs external growth

-          Internal growth: business grows using its own capabilities and resources

-          External growth: how you grow from outside. Deals with acquisitions of other businesses

Internal growth

-          Changing prices, effective promotions, product innovation, increased distribution, preferential credit for customers, capital expenditure, staff training and development, and providing overall value for money

Advantages of Internal growth


-          Better control and coordination of money and corporate culture

-          Inexpensive

-          Less risky and external growth


-          Diseconomies of scale

-          Ownership needs to be restructured.

-          Dilution of control and ownership

-          Growth is slower (since you are using your own resources)

External growth


-          Quikcer than organic growth

-          Synergies

-          Reduced competition

-          Economies of scale

-          Spreading of risks ??


-          More expensive than internal growth

-          More risks

-          Regulations (i.e. government)

-          Potential disecomenies of scale

-          Organizational culture clash

Ways to increase external growth

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Mergers and Acquisition

-          Mergers: two companies agree to combine and make a new company with a different legal identitity

-          Acquisition: with permission of board of directions, a company “eats up” another company

o   Like pacman eating

o   The acquiring company takes over the other company


-          Greater market share

-          Economies of scale

-          Synergy survival

-          Diversification

-          Gain entry into new market


-          Redundancies

-          Conflict

-          Culture clash

-          Loss of control

-          Diseconomies of scale

-          Regulatory problems

Internal economies of scale:

Financial economies of scale: banks give lower interest rates to bigger businesses (because they are lower risk)

Marketing economies of scale: spread fixed cost of marketing across range of brands and products. IF a company doubles sales, it doesn’t need to double marketing expenses

Managerial economies of scale: large business can hire more management, which can be efficient and productive

Technical economies of scale: buy large scale machinery which is efficient

Purchasing economies of scale: you can buy in bulk, save money

Risk bearing economies of scale: sell larger range of products, so if one fails not big deal

Specialization: hire specialized people, less training, more productive

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Internal vs external growth

Internal growth: organization grows without the help of an external organization or partner firm. Bank loans doesn’t count towards external growth

Internal growth benefits:

-          Corporate culture

-          Increased market share

-          Rights of control of organization

-          Avoid high price of external growth

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