Predicting the sales revenue of a business.

  • helpful to a business as long as the sales forcasting is accurate

Time series analysis - seasonal variation (winter!) - random variations - cyclical variations (economic booms and slumps)


  • make informed decisions about growth+expansion
  • predict identify and prepare for threats and opportunities, cyclical and seasonal changes
  • identify sales trends


  • past data + trends not indicative of the future
  • extrapolated results can be inaccurate
  • depends on accurate market research - which is expensive
  • limited for product oriented businesses or rapidly changing markets
  • qualitative factors are mostly ignored (i.e. political economic social stability)
  • changes in external business environment create inconsistences/inaccuracies in sales forecast
  • random variations nullifies effort put into sales forecasting (i.e. an earth quake, natural disaster)