part of 2.3 leadership management is leadershippppppppp

there is a difference entre management and leadership Management: getting things done through people

  1. senior management
    1. set and oversea long term plans + business strategies
  2. middle management
    1. department goals
    2. responsible for staff in their division
  3. supervisory management
    1. low ranking managers who monitor routine operations

why do we need management?

  1. planning set goals
  2. organizing without organization you’ll be unproductive
  3. commanding give instructions to subordinates
  4. coordinating make sure all employees know what to do
  5. controlling make sure employee work is up to scratch

what is leadership?

  • influencing people to achieve a vision or goal
  • informal (natural leader) has a natural flair and charisma in influencing others
  • calculated risks to ensure survive, success, and sustainability of organization

styles of leadership

  1. autocratic
    1. STRICT. only managers making decisions
    2. little delegation
    3. army, hostile takeover, and crisis is good for autocratic
    4. alienate workforce
  2. Paternalistic
    1. act like parents
    2. actions in the best interest of subordinates
    3. good bond with team, caring affectionate and protective of staff
  3. Democratic
    1. involve employees in decision making
    2. improve staff morale and motivation
    3. time consuming
  4. laissez-fare
    1. leave it alone.
    2. minimal involvement in day to day work of employees
    3. boost staff motivation
  5. Situational
    1. different situations require different management styles

Factors influencing management style

  • task being performed
  • subordinates shift style based on staff you work with
  • organizational culture promote innovate thinking and teamworking will be more laissez fair? perhaps
  • managers individual preference based on experience, emotions, habits, values, attitudes, and personal motivation
  • time constraints tight deadlines may require less democracy

difference between managers and leaders

  • managers are task oriented. leaders are goal oriented
  • managers comply with organizational culture. leaders shape the culture
  • managers: planning organizing, controlling, commanding
  • Managers are concerned with admin. leaders focus on people and procedures
  • leaders focus on innovation and risk-taking

Handy says leaders must not micromanage, and focus on the big picture

  • management fails when you start to think of people as machines