extended from 2.4 Motivation theories

McClelland’s acquired needs theory. 3 types of extrinsic needs to boost morale need for achievement, need for power, need for affiliation

  1. need for achievement
    1. moderate risk takes get thing done
    2. like working with high achievers
    3. prefer not to delegate task
    4. self reflectors
  2. need for power
    1. strong willed
    2. personal (like to instruct others to be important) or institutional (make others to work hard to achieve objectives)
  3. need for affiliation
    1. want to work others
    2. prefer to work in groups, get social interactions. not as good managers and leaders in general

Deci and Ryan’s self determination theory

  • self determination: person’s ability to think and act independently and self manage!
  • individuals are keen to grow
  • intrinsic motivators drive our actions
  • autonomous (intrinsic) motivation and controlled (extrinsic)
  1. autonomy
    1. being self sufficient
    2. and you got to be accountable for work
  2. competence
    1. capacity and confidence to learn and grow
    2. to do the things that are important to us
    3. negative feedback and damage sense of competence
    4. got to give constructive feedback
  3. relatedness
    1. connections with people
    2. connections drive us to support a shared relationship
    3. got to create good relationships in the workplace

vroom expectancy: you expect to get paid, you will work harder