-          Direct interest and is affected by business activities

-          Internal and external stakeholders

-          i.e. with Uber

-          Internal: app developers, drivers,

-          External: customers, restaurants, competition (suppliers, restaurants)

Graphical user interface, text, application
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-          Uber drivers aren’t employees, they are self-contractors

-          They have an interest in the company

-          Graphical user interface, text, application
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o   Oversee business operations

o   Profits, job security, long term success of the business

-          Shareholders are a powerful stakeholder

o   They have voting rights in business operations

-          Shareholders have two motives               1 dividends and 2 capital gain from the value of shares

-          External shareholders

o   Do not have a part of the business (so not employees)

o   But are interested in the company. This includes customers, suppliers, government, and competition

-          Customers are important! It’s how the business makes money. Companies appease customer stakeholders by making good products

-          Suppliers:

-          Graphical user interface, text, application
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-          Financiers

o   Provides funding for company (i.e. banks)

o   They make money by charging interest