internal factors

  1. size of organization bigger organizations need more HR (i.e. more training)
  2. strategic direction of organization i.e. if growth is priority
  3. Organizational structural HR can figure out redundancies
  4. Finances got to have enough money to keep and hire people
  5. Motivation low motivation = high labour turnover rate
  6. Corporate culture want good culture

external factors

  1. demographic change: study of population and population trends
    • things like average age of population, ethnicity distribution, gender distribution, education levels, household incomes, retirement age
  2. Change in labour mobility
    • how much workers want to move between locations for their employment
      • occupational mobility: willingness of employee to switch jobs. occupational immobility rules and regulations
      • geographical mobility: how much an employee wants to relocate to another location for work. i.e. truck drivers must travel long distances
      • hard to get international mobility of labour
      • improve labour mobility by offering improved pay and benefits
  3. Immigration
    • migrant workers
    • expatriates foreign workers, go for salaries
    • advantages of expatriates
      • ease skills shortages; use when you cannot find local skilled workers
      • flexible work structures: migrants are willing to work at different times
      • marketing opportunities: they can give niche marketing ideas
      • personnel opportunities: new ideas
      • Net social benefits: migrant workers pay income tax
  4. Flexi-time
    • workers work some hours and choose when to work, as long as their work gets completed
    • used to maintain work-life balance
    • potential lack of accountability and productivity
  5. Gig economy
    • short term, or one-off contracts
    • advantages of gig economy
      • worker freedom and flexibility. Choice of part time employment
      • significant income when you work multiple jobs
      • better work life balance
      • businesses have lower cost of production, because don’t have to pay benefits
      • lower costs of production for business = more price competitive products
    • disadvantages
      • reduces need for full time workers in traditional economy, limits career development (potentially bad point but it’s in InThinking so ok?)
      • don’t have fixed employment contracts, lacks job security and stable income
      • start up costs (i.e. car to Uber)
      • no benefits
      • got to be tech savvy to benefit from gig economy

These are factors influencing change. But what are the 2.1 Reasons for resistance to change