4.6 International Marketing is about the marketing overseas

  • anticipate and identify needs of target market in foreign nations

Opportunities by entering/operating internationally

  1. lower cost of production (cheap labour)
  2. greater economies of scale (larger customer base)
  3. financial incentives (subsidies and tax allowances in different countries)
  4. spreading risks (if one place fails, you have backups)
  5. laws and regulations (less annoying)
  6. competitiveness (gain competitive advantages)
  7. higher profits (new opportunities to increase sales and profits)

Threats of entering/operating internationally


  • intellectual property rights (IPR)
  • health and safety laws
  • competition law
  • consumer protection
  • employment law
  • codes of conduct on advertising
  • international trade other stuff
  • additional cost of operating in foreign countries (market research, workforce planning and training)
  • established competition
  • exchange rate fluctuations (high exchange rate means price of export is higher for foreign buyers. reduces firms profitability)
  • cultural differences
  • glocalization changing your marketing to account for local tastes and cultures